All I want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is one day of normality. One day when I can get all my work done, when I don’t have to worry about getting it done, or have to walk that fine line between pushing myself to get it done, and knowing my limits and when to ask for an extension. that dreaded word, extensions. How I hate it.. I hate feeling like I can’t get everything I want to, everything I need to done.. I hate feeling like I am using my illness to get special treatment, even though I know how much I debate over asking for them, how many times I have turned them down when really I shouldn’t have, how guilty I feel about getting them… Most of all I hate how each and every time they remind me just how different I am from my peers.

I have, let’s admit it, been struggling with school lately. I’ve been struggling to make it to all my classes, struggling to pay attention even when I do, struggling to get all the work done and catch up all the work I’ve been missing. Just plain struggling. Coming into university I knew it wouldn’t be all smooth sailing. I knew there would be difficulties that I would have to learn to deal with. I knew there would be set backs, and that my experience wouldn’t be the same as everyone else’s (but then whose is?). But I got off to such a good start. It wasn’t perfect, but for me it was great, really really great. I so badly want to be in that space again. but I’m not, so now what…